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Allama Iqbal quotes for youth in english

Allama Iqbal’s quotes encourage youth to value education, embrace self-respect, and take control of their future. Below are some of his inspiring quotes.


There is no limit to your knowledge and love:

Iqbal believed that a person’s capacity for knowledge and love knows no bounds.

By action life may become both paradise and hell:

Iqbal believed that life can transform into either paradise or hell, depending on one’s actions.

Fortunes of States through individual prowess ripens: 

Iqbal believed that the prosperity of nations is shaped by the strength and capability of individuals.Allama Iqbal quotes for youth in english

Elevate your self-worth:

Iqbal’s words inspire young people to enhance their self-worth, empowering them to shape their own destinies.

Knowledge is the foundation for progress:

Iqbal encouraged young people to passionately pursue education, blending religious and worldly knowledge.

Allama Iqbal quotes for youth in english

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