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Attitude Quotes

Life is shades of light and darkness, and these attitude quotes in Urdu capture its raw essence. “Bad is fine too. If you became good, who would you be?” questions the societal norms, while “Smell the beauty that does not eat” tells us to look for things beyond looks. Both hypocrisy and rebellion are placed on the table here, calling out for authenticity.

Attitude Quotes: Wearing the Fox Within

لوگ منافق ہیں پیٹھ پیچھے منافقت کرتے ہیں

ہم تو باغی ہیں سرعام بغاوت کرتے ہیں

People are hypocrites behind the scenes 
hypocrisy even you rebels openly rebel

خوبصورتی سے دھو کہ نہ کھانا اے ابن آدم

تلوار کتنی بھی خوبصورت ہو مانگتی تو خون ہے

Smell the beauty that does not eat, O son of Adam
sword, no matter how beautiful you are.

روٹھا ہوا ہے مجھ سے اس بات پر زمانہ

شامل نہیں ہے میری فطرت میں سر جھکانا

I’m old enough to say that time
isn’t included in my nature.


برے ہی ٹھیک ہیں ہم

اچھے بن گے تو کون کرے گا باتیں ہماری

Bad is fine too.
If you become good, who will you be?

Attitude Quotes Channeling the Fox’s Cunning

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