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Never give mobile phones to children 2025

The World Health Organization says please never give mobile phones to children 2025 Parents are exposing their children to terrible diseases.The World Health Organization has warned parents around the world: Never give mobile phones to children in 2025. It is the practice of inflicting terrible diseases on children with their own hands. Innocent and young children between the ages of 2 and 12 years, their developing nervous systems are having the most profound effects of mobile radiation. Not thousands but millions of such children were diagnosed in the countries of the world. The electro-mechanical waves coming out of mobile phones are affecting the nervous system of newborns. These electromagnetic waves enter the body very quickly, and the radiation energy waves emitted by mobile phones are absorbed by the human body. Due to which a lower natural system is gradually becoming paralyzed, children of 2 to 12 years of age are having dangerous effects of this radiation. Various countries of the world on the appeal of the health department. Children up to 12 years of age have been banned and fined. It is legal for parents to use their mobile phones.

Here is a picture of negitive reflection


The World Health Organization has warned parents around the world to never give mobile phones to children in 2025. It is the practice of inflicting terrible diseases on children with their own hands.

Children’s stubborn expressions of parental helplessness and terrible diseases    


According to the American National Institute, mobile uses for children are very bad; parents themselves are making children addicted to mobile first, children’s constant exposure to photos and videos gradually increasing children’s interest in mobile games, and then the child’s addiction, and then parents. Expressing helplessness Medical experts have questioned that if your liver slowly starts eating some toxic substances, you will express helplessness in the same way because mobile radiation is dangerous from toxic substances. It affects the delicate nervous system. The sensitivity of the nerves is becoming very weak and this sensitivity of the nervous system is the expression of the real strength and functioning of the human brain in its natural capacities. Never give mobile phones to children in 2025. In addition to these diseases, which are slowly entering, they are weakness of the body, depression, frequent viral infections, irregular heartbeat, and after 30 to 40 years of age, there is a risk of suffering from skin cancer or a brain tumor. Increases 100 times. And the biggest damage is the loss of the child’s memory; the power of memory is gradually affected; the radiation emitted by the mobile phone, electric waves, and electromechanical waves directly affect the cells of the human body; the cells of the human body affect the human organs. The active junction point and its associated therapeutic systems are increasingly affected.

Fingers, ears, eyes

According to the World Health Organization, the touch screen is having a profound effect on the nerves of children’s fingers and their sensitivity. The ability is affected. At the same time, the connection between the brain and the fingers is getting weaker, the process of feeling by touching the objects is also gradually affected, it is having an effect on the hands, muscles, In this way, mobile: games, vivideo, and the sounds coming out of it are affecting the ears; the sensitivity of the ears is affected. It is proving to be extremely dangerous; it affects the natural light and vision of the eyes. A large number of children are suffering from diseases like intraocular melanoma. And the knowledge, skills, and skills that man acquires through his eyes, radio waves, are having profound effects on him.


So just keep your lazy liver away from mobile.


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