Here are Hazrat Ali (RZ) Quotes: Wisdom and guidance quotes from one of the greatest scholars and philosophers, giving profound thoughts on life, justice, and forbearance, faith.

“The disease of the heart is worse

than the disease of the body.”

From all the spiritual and moral ailments that plague human beings, evil dispositions such as hatred, greed, and envy rank higher than any physical sickness; they corrupt the soul and the character.

Hazrat Ali RZ quotes



“Do not be a slave to others

when Allah has created you free.”

Pursuing knowledge nourished both their spiritual life and intellect; in so doing, a student deepened their grasp of life’s realities and experienced a sharper awareness of the presence of Allah.

Hazrat Ali RZ quotes

“Silence is the best reply to a fool.”

What I have really learned is that arguments with obstinate people tend to be futile, and silence can sometimes become their response or more powerfully convey a person’s dignity and avoid unnecessary strife.

Hazrat Ali RZ quotes

“Knowledge enlivents the soul.”

Knowledge always creates wisdom, awareness, and spiritual advancement. The nourishment of the mind and heart is what teaches some righteousness in life and existence. Just as food sustains the body, knowledge nourishes and enlightens the soul towards the betterment of the self and its morality.

Hazrat Ali RZ quotes


“Life consists of two days, one for you and one against you. So when it is for you, do be proud, and when it is against you, don’t lose patience.”

Patience should prevent success from breeding arrogance; subsequent hardship must be met with patience and fortitude.Hazrat Ali (RZ) Quotes Wisdom & Guidance

Hazrat Ali RZ quotes

Hazrat Ali (RZ) Quotes: Wisdom & Guidance

The quotes emphasize the value of integrity, wisdom, and spiritual growth. True freedom is the path of obedience to Allah, while arrogance, greed, and empty garrulousness are factors that lead to moral ruin. Patience in hardship, coupled with the thirst for knowledge, hones the character and strengthens faith. Knowledge stands for the very spirit of sustenance and illumination for any soul—connecting with the path of righteousness and finding joy in the essence of existence.

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