insights to Love, Self-Worth, and Life’s Abundant Energy

These smart quotes Explore powerful quotes on life and love, from self-worth to giving everything in love. “I am too full of life to be half loved.” This is such a great message to remind everyone about the significance of self-worth and how one should live their life. Self-love, far from being blind, grants clarity to recognize the love we deserve. True love goes beyond expectations—“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give—which is everything.” It is a riddle of life:

Below are smart quotes.

5smart quotes life and love the riddle worth 5smart quotes life and love the riddle worth

5smart quotes life and love the riddle worth

5smart quotes life and love the riddle worth

5smart quotes life and love the riddle worth
5smart quotes life and love the riddle worth

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