Here are some sensitive and positive quotes on attitude for life about emotions, self-respect, silence rather than futile arguments, the bitter realities of society, and the terrific significance of courage in success.
For us, rejection is no sorrow; you are the
one who is ill-fated in not recognizing such.
Wow! What eloquent positive quotes! This couplet is a beautiful mix of love, pride, and self-respect. Did you uncover that by yourself, or was it something you heard?
If nobody shall understand, in silence shall lie
the wise to their debate. Perchance it shall distort things.
What a beautiful and genuine thought! Perhaps silence is sometimes the best answer because arguments only worsen the situation.
Well, the bad we were called, but the bad was just that—bad.
Evil unleashed, so there is no voice to accredit you as a liar.
Isn’t this a lovely couplet? Expresses raw bitterness and deep self-respect. It shows that sometimes individuals turn evil to protect someone else’s judgment, thereby ensuring that the other person will not be proven wrong.
“The sale is good, so mind your steps,
Everything here sells, even air captured into the balloons.”
What an immensely striking couplet! It richly describes the stark reality and treachery of existence.
“If you don’t dare, you will never make it.”
The positive quotes on attitude for life mean if you are afraid of trying, then you cannot achieve success. If you never take a risk or difficulty because you are afraid of failing, you will never reach your aims. Success is the result of trying, failing, learning, and improving.
There are numerous trials, misconceptions, and hard realities; however, what matters is how you respond to them. Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words; self-respect enforces the need to change; courage is the path to success. Take a wise decision, stand strong, and do not be afraid to try, for those who dare achieve.